Moving is a big and complicated process. Sure, the new place is waiting for you with open arms, but you have to deal with the whole process first. WellKnown Moving knows a couple tricks to smooth this avalanche, and here's one you won't regret: declutter. Yes, that's right - before the boxes and bubble wrap, before the actual loading, it's time to take a look at your belongings. Downsizing doesn't just free up space, it frees up you - your wallet, your time, and your energy.

Why Declutter Before Moving?

Cut costs - literally. Movers are paid by the weight, volume and amount of “stuff” they need to move. Less stuff? Less money. It's as simple as that. But it's more than that. Less stuff means faster packing, easier unpacking and - bonus - a fresh start. It's not just about getting rid of excess fat, it's about shedding old skin. Out with the junk, in with elegance, efficiency, and a future.

Assess Your Possessions

Take a notebook or just make a list. Go through each room, scrutinize it and make a decision: keep, sell/gift or throw away. Be ruthless. If you haven't touched something in a year or have forgotten the item exists at all, it's probably time to part with them. Do you need 18 mismatched mugs? All those college t-shirts? Probably not. Honesty hurts, but clutter hurts even more.

Organizing a Yard Sale or Donation Drive

One person's trash can indeed be another's treasure. Consider organizing a yard sale for items in good condition that you no longer need. Not only will this help you declutter, but it can also generate some extra cash to offset moving expenses. Alternatively, you can donate these items to charity. Many organizations will even pick up donations, saving you time and effort.

Renting a Storage Unit

So, you have done the whole procedure of “decluttering”, but still can not accept the fact that you have to part with everything. That's where storage comes in. The perfect solution? Maybe. Just don't fall into the trap of paying for years to store things you'll never look at again. Be choosy - make sure everything that goes into storage is worth paying for.

Utilizing Digital Platforms

Photos, papers, music - all these things take up a lot of space. Go digital. Scan documents, upload photos, and save everything in the cloud. The clutter will disappear, but your memories (and important files) will remain. You can access them anywhere - no more shifting paper piles.

Room by Room Decluttering Guide


Clothes. We all have too many of them. Haven't worn them in a year? Throw it away. Same goes for shoes, accessories, and - yes, even the sock drawer. Kids' rooms? It's time to put away toys that haven't been touched in months. Keep what makes you happy and throw the rest away.


Oh, the kitchen is home to all the gadgets you forgot existed. You have three blenders? Don't use any of them? Time to downsize. And those pantry products that have reached the end of their useful life? Throw them away. The special occasion dinnerware that only comes around once a year? You know what to do.

Living Room

Books, DVDs and trinkets. Ask yourself: are you really going to reread this book? Re-watch that DVD? If not, donate it. Decor is another story: does it fit your new space? If not, throw it out (but it's better to donate or sell, especially books).


Expired medications, old cosmetics, half-used shampoo bottles. Throw away everything that has expired and don't feel guilty about it.


A place where dreams of putting things in order go to die. But there's gold there too - broken tools, forgotten holiday decorations. Be brave and feel free to throw away things that haven't seen the light of day in years.


Moving, after all, is not just a change of address. It's about getting rid of the baggage - physical and mental - that you've been dragging around with you. The lighter the load, the brighter the new beginning.